Project | Promo
Studio | 27 Design
Year | 2022
Role | Animation (00:00-00:08, 00:21-00:38)
The 27 Design team was commissioned to create a promo for a local event.
As a full-time animator, I was assigned half of scenes.
Also, I was go-to expression nerd in the team, so I figured out how to build the wave rig.
Styleframes designed by Yi-Wei Wu

Shots I animated below

Motion Test - Wave
The video below shows how I animated the wave.
The wave design was originally created by p5.js (JavaScript).
I needed to replicate it in After Effects.
Here's how I solved it.
I used the free wave rig created by Ordinary Folk.
Tweaked the expressions myself to get basic wave shapes.
Then I used a plugin called Volna 2.
It's like the BLEND tool in Adobe Illustrator.
It blends two masks into a new shape with multiple strokes.
Client:高雄市政府 Kaohsiung City Government
Agency:台灣設計研究院 TDRI
Production & Design:二棲設計 27 Design
Director:林呈軒 Cheng-Hsuan Lin、拉瓦 Redic Hsu
Art Director:陳芊涵 Qian-Han Chen
Animation Supervisor:陳柏尹 Bruce Chen
Producer:羅嵩博 Sunber Lo
Designer:吳奕葳 Yi-Wei Wu
Animator:朱柏霖 Bo-Lin Chu、林孟學 Meng-Hsueh Lin
Music & Sound Production:紋聲音樂 WinSound Studio
Original Music:林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin、林思妤 Szu-Yu Lin
Sound Design:林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin、林思妤 Szu-Yu Lin
Score Mixer & Dubbing Mixer:林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin